An exciting thing happened in Edmonton! In a project orchestrated by our city’s literary champion, Jason Lee Norman, Edmonton International Airport became the first location in Canada to set up a Short Edition Short Story Dispenser. You can find the machine, which prints one, three, and five minute reads for free, by the large green plant wall at terminal 64. Stories in the machine are friendly for general audiences and feature local writers. A few of us (myself included) were there to celebrate yesterday’s launch and read our submitted work. Also on the scene were a variety of news sources, including National Post, Global Edmonton, CTV News, and Metro Edmonton.

If you are an Edmonton area writer who would like to get words into the machine, here are the details:
- stories must be between 100 – 1000 words
- no profanity
- not all content will be deemed project appropriate (don’t feel bad, only two of my things were accepted and I sent about eight. I also discovered I tend to swear about every 300 words, which was… enlightening.)
- You must live in the Edmonton area

So, if you have bitesized fiction that fits this description, email Jason at the address found here. You could be a newcomer’s first taste of #YEG!

Good luck and enjoy!