Katie here: I’m always up for teaching a workshop, visiting a book club, or speaking as part of a panel or interview. If you’re interested in having me join your next event, please use the form to contact me. Otherwise, maybe I’ll see you at one of the events listed below!
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Packing a Punch: Big Stories in Small Spaces
Hosted by the Writers Guild of Alberta Conference & AGM
Sunday May 30, 2021
Learn how to craft powerful narratives in as few words as possible from an award-winning short story writer. Working from a collective prompt, students will workshop a piece of flash fiction into a succinct-but-rich tale using a variety of tools. Students can expect to leave the course with a polished piece of flash fiction, as well as a list of flash fiction markets open to submissions. This class includes both crafting and editing a new micro-story in real time.
Packing a Punch: Big Stories in Small Spaces
Presented by the Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society
January 14, 2021, 6-9pm
Learn how to craft powerful narratives in as few words as possible from an award-winning short story writer. Working from a collective prompt, students will workshop a piece of flash fiction into a succinct-but-rich tale using a variety of tools. Students can expect to leave the course with a polished piece of flash fiction, as well as a list of flash fiction markets open to submissions. This class includes both crafting and editing a new micro-story in real time.

This is an interactive online class using the Zoom web platform.
Book Club Visit
November 18, 2020, 8pm, Slave Lake Library (via Zoom)
Strathcona County’s Fall Feast of Words: Always Brave, Sometimes Kind (A Conversation & Reading)
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020, 7-8:30pm
“Words teach, entertain, provoke thought, provide insight and help to give our lives meaning. Through Fall Feast of Words, the Strathcona County Library celebrates the importance of the written word and brings it to life by hosting a series of authors in conversation.”
Click the image below to register with library services.

Alberta Culture Days Writer’s Workshop (via Zoom)
September 26, 2020, at Spruce Grove Library, 12-2pm

WGA Event: Writing and Alcohol
Audreys Books (10702 Jasper Ave)
Wednesday, March 4, 2020, 7pm
Literary culture and alcohol culture have crossed paths so many times over the years that a lot of the time it seems like they parallel to each other. The mystique of the drunken writer, the tortured genius, Irish whiskey branded “Writers’ Tears”, and figures that loom large in our collective psyches like Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Carver, and so many others. Being a writer in the 21st century has more pitfalls and temptations, but there is also more information and knowledge available to us as well. How can the literary community be more supportive of our fellow writers who are in recovery? Do we need to adjust how we approach readings and networking events? What other options exist for people who are looking for more alcohol-free events for any reason?
Emergency Workers Mental Health Symposium
Tuesday, January 22, 2019. 6pm.
McLab Center, Leduc Alberta
This free event open to all emergency workers. Our speakers will share on mental health recovery, post-traumatic growth, and the mental health resources they have developed that are available to first responders and their families. Join us at the McLab Centre in Leduc to hear about some of the resources available to us here in the Edmonton area or get some ideas that you can implement for your own service. A special thank you to the Leduc City Fire Services for sponsoring this event.
Speaker topics:
Post Traumatic Growth – Daniel Sundahl, Paramedic/Firefighter & Artist
A.S.K. All Services Kinship – Mike Skinner, Paramedic/Firefighter
Alberta Critical Incident Provincial Network – Jeff Sych, M.Sc., R.Psych.
Legacy Place Society – Diana Festejo
Re-integration – Sergeant Glen Klose, Edmonton Police Service
Strathcona Firefighter Paramedic Spouses Association – Katie Bickell and Elliott Davis
A Place for Prose Literary Salon
Saturday, November 7, 2018. 7pm.
I think that the place that moved me most was to travel to the far west of China to see where the Great Wall actually crumbles into sand in the desert. I think that was the place that left the biggest imprint on me. This barrier, this idea of the wall that had lasted so long and this idea of the fear of the barbarian or the outsider, whatever it was going to be, this wall that you can see from outer space, and to see where it simply dwindles into desert and how you just walk around that end. And it’s like straw and mud and brick or clay. It gives you perspective. – Madeleine Thein
History seems to move between times of building walls and times of building bridges. Or maybe it has always been a mix of the two, just one has more emphasis now and again. At A Place for Prose, we believe that art (which we’ll define quickly and broadly as any created form, image, story, music, drama, or dance that moves people to be more human) will outlive anything made of clay and straw or barbed wire and easily crosses any border. Our next house salon features four women whose writing and painting give some much needed perspective on our times:
- Edmonton artist, Barbara Hartmann
- Edmonton YA fiction writer, Caroline van Rooyen
- Albertan fiction writer, Katie Bickell
- Edmonton travel memoirist, Leilei Chen
An Afternoon with the Authors
Sunday, May 28, 2017. 2pm
Audreys Books
Please join us on May 28 for An Afternoon With the Authors. This annual event allows us to partner with our friends at Audreys Books to feature readings by writers whose work is shortlisted for the Alberta Literary Awards. It’s always a full house when writers, readers, family, and friends gather to celebrate these authors and hear them read from their work. Refreshments will be served and books will be available for sale and signing.
Readings by: Thomas Wharton • Omar Mouallem • Rona Altrows • Sydney Sharpe and Don Braid • Laurie MacFayden • Lisa J. Lawrence • Mary Graham • Nora Gould • Austen Lee • Vern Thiessen • Alison Hughes • Katie Bickell
An Afternoon with the Authors
Sunday, May 3, 2015. 2 pm.
Audreys Books, Edmonton, AB
The Writers’ Guild of Alberta and Audreys Books present a special opportunity to meet finalists for the 2015 Alberta Literary Awards, featuring readings by:
Katie Bickell
Jennifer Delisle
Susan Hagan
Bobbi Junior
Sarah Lang
Victor Lethbridge
Conni Massing
Wendy McGrath
Rudy Wiebe
Glass Door Coffeehouse Reading Series
The Mill Woods Artists Collective presents
Thursday, May 29, 7-9pm
Koffee Cafe, 6120 28 Ave NW, Edmonton
Host Robin Young welcomes headliners including authors Caterina Edwards, Fran Kimmel, and Katie Bickell plus singer-songwriter Olivia Rose.